WiFi Interface with WiFly RN XV

In this section, we learn how to setup a WiFi communication with Pixhawk using the RN-XV Wifly module.


In this tutorial, TELEM2 is going to be used to connect the WiFi module at baud rate 921600. TELEM1 can be used too, but will require further configuration steps, but you can stil use it direectly at baud 57600 (which is its default).

It is recommended to set the baud rate of TELEM2 (or TELEM1) to 921600 for faster data exchange, and less latency.

Pixhawk TELEM setup

To set the baude rate of TELEM2 to 921600, connect Pixhawk to Qgroundcontrol. Go to the System tab. Change the SYS_COMP parameter to use companion with 921600 baudrate. Restart Pixhawk to take effect.

WiFi module setup

Official Roving Network documentation

Connect the WiFi module to the XBee explorer USB board and connect it to the computer. You will need to use a serial terminal. For Mac, use the Mac terminal. For Windows it is recommended to use TeraTerm.

On a Mac terminal, use the screen command to log into the Wifly

screen /dev/tty.usbserial-FTFABC 9600 8N1

/dev/tty.usbserial-FTFABC is the device port on Mac. You can find yours using

ls /dev/tty*

Aafter you login, type $$$ and hit ENTER



to make sure that the device is operational. If there are networks, it should be listed.

Serial setup

You can change the serial baudrate by

set u b 57600
Make sure that you use the new baud rate to connect again to the device via serial port.

WiFi setup

Set authentification to WPA2-PSK only:

set wlan auth 3

set auto channel scan

set wlan channel 0

Tell the module to auto-join the network when powered on:

set wlan join 1

set wireless name, SSID

set wlan ssid <your wifi ssid>

set WiFi password

set wlan phrase <password>

Enable continous scanning

set wlan linkmon 5

IP setup

This guide assumes UDP communication to a ground control station computer on IP, port 14550 (QGroundControl default port).

Enable DHCP on each boot (for dynamic IP):

set ip dhcp 1

set IP protocol (UDP & TCP)

set ip protocol 3

Set remote port:

set ip remote 14550

set remote hos IP (IP of your PC):

set ip host

Test and save configurations

join the WiFi

join <WiFi ssid>

it it connects, it will show:


save and reboot

Make sure that you save your settings, otherwise it will be lost

To check the settings current yon the device, IP settings:

get ip

wifi settings:

get wlan

serial settings:

get u

Static IP

Disable DHCP mode

set ip dhcp 0

set the WiFi module's IP address

set ip address <choose ip>

your IP first 3 numbers (e.g. 192.168.1.*) should bethe same as your router's first three numbers

set IP gateway (usually this is your router's IP). You can firdt set up dynamic IP, and then connect to the WiFi. Then, on the WiFi module command line type get ip to see the gateway and the netmask, and note them down. Set the gateway and netmask as follows,

set ip gateway <router ip address>

set netmask:

set ip netmask <netmask address>

set local port. You can leave the default (2000)

set ip localport 2000

set the remote host IP and remote port as before.

Save and reboot


Make sure that the device can join the WiFi netowrk. Log in to the device using (e.g. screen command), and type $$$. Then join the network by typing join <network ssid>

Once successful, you can now go to next step to set higher baud rates.

Configure higher baud rates

DO NOT set high baud rates while you are on serial (e.g. 921600), because you will not be able to log in again from the serial consol. You can set higher baud rate after you log in to the Wifly module via WiFi, using `telnet` command in Mac OS
First make sure your computer is connected to the same router as the Wifly device. Open a terminal and type,

telnet <wifly ip address> <wifly localport>

then type $$$, and hit ENTER

set high baudrate

set u b 921600

save and reboot


Finally, attach the Wifly device to an XBee explorer requlated board, similar to this,and connect it to TELEM2.

Now you are ready to communicate with the Pixhawk via WiFi!

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